20 West End Avenue


Abraham Joshua Heschel School

Square Footage
150,000 SF

Gruzen Samton Architects


Abraham Joshua Heschel School - New Building For Early Childhood Center, Lower School & Middle School

Sciame was the Construction Manager responsible for the construction of the 150,000 SF new nine-story Abraham Joshua Heschel School – New Building for Early Childhood Center, Lower School & Middle School building, located on Manhattan’s West Side. The new building houses students from nursery school through eighth grade and connects them to the existing high school.

The facility features two gymnasiums, a chapel, two rooftop play decks, labs, a state-of-the-art library, theater, music room and art room. The project obtained a LEED gold rating with attributes such as green roofs, energy-efficient HVAC systems and building materials that were recycled and sourced locally.

Project Awards

April 24, 2019

Learning by Design Magazine
Citation of Excellence Award

April 24, 2019

Society of American Registered Architects – New York Council (SARA NY)
Award of Honor

April 24, 2019

Education Design Showcase
Green Judges’ Choice Winner

April 24, 2019

American School and University
School Citation Award

We had a wonderful evening celebrating the season with our valued clients and partners at the annual Sciame Holiday Party. As we approach our 50th Anniversary next year, we’re enormously grateful for your continued trust and collaboration.

Best wishes to you and your family for a very festive and joyful Holiday Season and a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

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If you see a crowd staring at the sky, don’t panic, they’re just admiring Fifth Avenue’s ultimate accessory, Stacked Trunks, brought to you by Louis Vuitton. ...

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We at Sciame Construction are thrilled to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing staff who not only cheered on but also fearlessly accepted and triumphantly completed the 3.5-mile J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge. Thank you once again for your participation and support. #jpmcc ...

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The Perelman Performing Arts Center will provide versatile layouts across three theater spaces, which can be combined to offer a range of seating configurations. Additionally, the venue will feature a lobby level complete with a bar, café, terrace, and stage.

@rexarchitecture @davisbrodybond @silman.structural @brookfieldproperties @theportauthority_ny_nj @cimolai_group @stonebridgeerectors @jarosbaumbolles @mka_inc @long_island_concrete @granoguli

#ronaldoperelmanperformingartscenter #construction #nyc #wtc #menatwork #downtown #wip #jobsite #facade

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